
Keski-Espoon Sanomat article

The national and international press haven't paid us much attention this summer, but Mirja Holste has written a nice article in the local Keski-Espoon Sanomat. See it here on page 10:




Performance by Sepideh Rahaa & Anna Knappe

Place: Espoonsilta (above Espoon Keskus train station)

Time: 2 July 2014, 17.00 - 17.15 

"Different faces of us” is a performance By Finnish artist Anna Knappe and Iranian artist Sepideh Rahaa. The performance questions the origins of obstacles which occur to women within society. It is about how women’s freedom is bounded by public sphere and society in general, especially when it comes to their cultural background. Being women from a different culture, behaving in a different way, having a different appearance is itself a good reason to begin a “Silent Fight” between them. This silent fight mostly happens in the societies when immigrants and local people with different behavior and life style start to look at each other and their differences. First and the most common difference is their appearance, how women are covered or not  In many cases, instead of asking why, they ignore the fact and situation and do not accept the differences. In some cases these differences make people think deeply about the situation and ends with a better understanding from each other.


Tervetuloa Avajaisiin!

Sunnuntaina 15.kesäkuuta 2014 klo 14-18

Tapaaminen Espoonsillalla klo 14.

Harri Piispasen performanssi "Bodycount" alkaa klo 14.30  Espoonsillalla. Performanssi jatkuu Espoon torin läpi, Siltakadun yli ja ulkoportaita ylös Entressen kirjaston edessä olevalle aukiolle. Performanssi kestää noin 20 minuuttia.

Harri Piispanen "Bodycount" 2014
OBJECT- näyttelyn opastettu kierros alkaa alkaa klo 15 Minna Henrikssonin teoksen "Tarina" luota Espoonsillalta (nro 1 kartalla). Kävelykierros kestää noin tunnin.

Avaajisvastaanotto kevyine tarjoiluineen Jukeboksissa, Entressen kirjasto (Entresse 3. krs takaterassi). Klo 16-18 DJ Brother Louie soittaa vanhan koulukunnan ska- ja rocksteady- musiikkia!


Lisätietoja Espoo Kunsthalle / Andy Best (050-5714013) & Merja Puustinen (045-1349307)

Espoonsilta – suoraan Espoon keskuksen rautatieaseman ja Kirkkojärventien yläpuolella
Entresse os. Siltakatu 11, 02770 Espoo

Welcome to the Opening!

Sunday June 15th 2pm - 6pm

Meet on Espoonsilta at 2pm.

Performance "Bodycount" by Harri Piispanen starting 2.30pm on Espoonsilta. Performance continues through Espoon Tori, across Siltakatu and up the stairs towards Entresse library. Performance lasts approximately 20 minutes.

Harri Piispanen "Bodycount" 2014
Guided tour of OBJECT exhibition artworks starting at 3pm from Minna Henriksson's work "The Story" on Espoonsilta (No.1 on map). Walk lasts about 1 hour.

Reception with light refreshments and snacks at Jukeboksi, Entresse library (Entresse 3rd floor back terrace) 4pm - 6pm with DJ David Lewis playing old skool ska for your delight!


Further information from Espoo Kunsthalle / Andy Best (050-5714013) & Merja Puustinen (045-1349307)

Espoonsilta - directly above Espoon Keskus railway station & Kirkkojärventie
Entresse - Siltakatu 11, 02770 Espoo