William Dennisuk

William Dennisuk on suomalainen kuvataiteilija, joka yhdistää teoksissaan veistoa, maisemasuunnittelua ja arkkitehtuuria. Taiteilijan teoksia on  Englannissa, Suomessa, Hollannissa, Irlannissa, Japanissa ja Yhdysvalloissa.

William Dennisuk is a Finnish-based artist whose diverse body of work links the worlds of sculpture, landscape and architecture. His public art projects act as both a prompt and a pivot for a more complex consideration of the extended environment. Dennisuk’s works have been sited permanently in England, Finland, Holland, Ireland, Japan and the United States.

For Dennisuk, “Art is a form of aesthetic and philosophical inquiry, a way of asking fundamental questions about the world in which we live and about our human potential. “  

Through my work, I seek to establish substantial interconnections between art, architecture, science, and the broader environment in which we all live. For me, the point or locus where these fields converge -- and where they potentially do have the most impact on our quality of life -- is the area often defined by contemporary art as the "public space." My work examines how art can become an unmediated and tangible stimulus for developing more fully rounded human experience within the context of our public spaces by reflecting and illuminating our unique capacities as multi-dimensional thinking and sentient beings.

1 comment:

  1. Bill,

    Doug Beauvais here (Lincoln Park). You have really grown at a creator of different arts. I'm curious how you ended up in Finland.
